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Get in touch with Patricio Emanuelli from Sud Austral Consulting SpA

    Sud Austral Consulting SpA

    Sud-Austral Consulting a consulting company created through individual and collective experience of its members, after recurring mutual collaboration for several years it was consolidated in early 2012 in the creation of a consulting entity formally established.

    The experience of professionals and technicians of Sud-Austral Consulting S.p.A.has resulted in consulting services in projects developed by governments, public and private institutions, both in Chile, South and Central America. Sud-Austral has had participation in projects in areas of natural resources, focusing on the management of country strategies and regional strategies like Central America on mitigation and adaptation actions to climate change and specifically in REDD+ strategies and compensation mechanisms.

    195, Miguel Claro, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile
    Countries of operation
    Year Founded

    ASAP Classifications

    Climate Related Hazards
    Changing precipitation patterns and types (rain, hail, snow/ice), Changing temperature (air, freshwater, marine water)
    Human and Managed Systems
    Damages to physical infrastructure, property, and critical services
    Physical and Biological Systems
    Heat Stress
    This company information was gathered from public sources and has not been verified by Sud Austral Consulting SpA

    Last updated: February 8, 2022

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