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GeoPoll, the mobile engagement platform of Mobile Accord, provides real-time mobile data collection, insights and analytics.
The company has established relationships with mobile network operators (MNOs) in each country it operates in to engage with subscribers on their networks to conduct surveys. Completing the survey is a free service (whether via text, call or web), reducing the economic barrier for participation. The GeoPoll platform allows bilateral donors and their implementing partners, multilateral organizations, NGOs, national governments, research institutes, universities, and private sector companies to implement behavior change communication campaigns, monitor and evaluate indicators that measure the impact of program interventions, and make informed programming decisions related to beneficiaries' resilience with real time analysis and insights from mobile data. An illustrative example includes GeoPoll's on-going food security analysis on behalf of the WFP in over 10 countries across Africa. GeoPoll is using mobile based data collection to access some of the region's most hard to reach communities and capture critical data on food consumption, coping behaviors, market prices, perceptions of food security, and diet diversity of women. International donors, local governments, and other stakeholders are using the publically published data to track the situation on the ground and design appropriate humanitarian interventions for beneficiaries.
- Headquarters
- Denver, Colorado, United States
- Countries of operation
- Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea
- Year Founded
- 2010
- View Website
ASAP Classifications
- Climate Related Hazards
- Precipitation variability, Temperature variability
- Human and Managed Systems
- Damages to physical infrastructure, property, and critical services, Impacts to human health, and loss of livelihoods, Reduced agricultural productivity and food security, Reduction in water availability, quality and security, Spread of pests, and vector-borne and water- borne diseases
- Physical and Biological Systems
- Flood, Heat Stress, Water Stress
Last updated: May 14, 2021