What other Climate Related Hazards do you classify as?
What other Human and Managed Systems do you classify as?
Human and Managed Systems
Business disruptions Damages to physical infrastructure, property, and critical services Energy Systems Impacts to human health, and loss of livelihoods Other Reduced agricultural productivity and food security Reduction in water availability, quality and security Resilient Food Systems Spread of pests, and vector-borne and water- borne diseases
What other Physical and Biological Systems do you classify as?
Physical and Biological Systems
Avalanche Coastal erosion Cold wave/frost Deforestation Drought Ecosystem & biodiversity loss Flood Glacial lake outburst Glacial retreat, changes in ice, snow cover, permafrost thawing Heat Stress Heat wave Landslide Ocean acidification Other Saline intrusion Sea level rise Soil degradation & erosion Solifluction Water Stress Wildfires
Company Details Submitted by Company
What industry sector(s) does your company operate in? *
Where does your company have offices? * Select one or more countries where your company has offices.
City of company headquarters
Headquarters Address * Please click the search button to find your address.
In what countries are your company's solutions currently offered? * Select one or more countries where your company's products and/or services are currently used/deployed, or countries where your customers are located.
Number of Employees Please select from the ranges offered below.
- Select - Small: 0 - 49 employees Medium: 50 - 300 employees Large: Over 300 employees
Is your company generating revenue?
Range of Annual Sales/Turnover (USD)
- Select - Up to $3,000,000 $3,000,001 - $15,000,000 Over $15,000,000
Range of Total Assets (USD) What is the company's balance of Total Assets? Please select from the ranges in USD offered below.
- Select - Up to $3,000,000 $3,000,001 - $15,000,000 Over $15,000,000
Is your company woman owned?
If you checked any of the boxes above and are able to disclose, kindly provide us the figures for the following as applicable: (a) % of the company that is women-owned, (b) # of women on executive management team, (c) # of women on the company’s Board of Directors, and/or (d) female employees as a % of total headcount.
Please provide an overview of what you do. If accepted in to the ASAP Directory, this will be the text used as your Business Overview. *
Please provide a more detailed description of your company's offerings, how your solutions build climate resilience, and who you target to serve. (5,000 character limit) *
Great, now let’s learn about who we should be in contact with.
Primary Contact First Name *
Primary Contact Last Name *
Primary Contact Professional Title *
Primary Contact Email * This is the email used for logging in to update your company page. If you change it, make sure the new email is accessible.
Primary Contact Phone Number
Primary Contact LinkedIn Profile URL
If accepted/approved into the ASAP Directory, would you like to make your contact information publicly available to users of the Directory? *
Is there another point of contact for your company other than yourself who you would like to be listed in the Directory?
Company Contact Phone Number
Helps users manage physical climate risks and impacts * Your company’s solutions enable users to identify, evaluate, manage and/or monitor current and expected physical climate risks and impacts on assets, economic activities people or nature.
Explanation In 3-5 sentences, can you explain how your company's solutions satisfy this criterion?
Enables users to address systemic barriers to climate adaptation * Your company’s solutions enable users to address systemic barriers (e.g. by providing information, increasing capacity, improving technologies, or removing financial barriers) to climate adaptation activities.
Explanation In 3-5 sentences, can you explain how your company addresses or removes barriers to climate adaptation?
Is offered in developing countries * Your company's solutions are offered in and serve customers in developing countries. ASAP refers to the World Bank's Country and Lending Groups for its IDA and IBRD programs in determining eligibility.
Explanation Why do you fit this criterion? In which developing countries are your solutions offered? In which developing countries are your customers based?
Generates measurable impacts on climate adaptation * Your company is able to track non-financial metrics that track the positive impacts of your company's solutions on supporting climate adaptation either currently or in the future. Examples of impact metrics include those offered by the IRIS+ impact measurement system .
Explanation Why do you fit this criterion? What are some examples of impact metrics you currently (or could in the future) track to measure/monitor the non-financial, social and/or environmental impact of your solutions?
Is there any other information you’d like to fill us in on?
Annual Revenue/Turnover (USD) How much in annual revenues/turnover does your company generate? Please provide this number in USD (converted from relevant local currency) if possible.
Total Capital Raised to Date (USD) How much in external financing has your company received to date? Please provide this number in USD (converted from relevant local currency) if possible.
Customers Please provide a description of your key customer segments and/or examples of sample customers (if publicly disclosable).
Partners Please provide a description of the types of partnerships and/or examples of partners that your company has (if publicly disclosable).
Investors Please provide examples of investors in your company (if publicly disclosable).
Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?